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Saturday 4 August 2012

Babble and Bauble

And voila! There is yet another blog out there in the vast expanses of the Blogosphere. Another one in the many unknown and unnoticed voices expressing their opinions, narrating amusing little stories, trying to reach out to people or just finding contentment in the simple act of writing.

So why do I want to join this group of wordsmiths? Simply because I want to experience, once more, the joy of writing. When I was a kid, I had this little yellow book where I would write my childish stories (mostly inspired by the Famous Five series by Enid Blyton) and fancy myself as a budding author. As I grew up I was even lucky to have English teachers who would compliment and encourage my writing.

But then college days arrived and zoomed by and I realised, that caught up in the mundane realities of life, I had lost that desire to write. Writing became more of a chore than a pleasure. Words refused to flow into perfectly formed sentences and what used to be easy once...wasn't so anymore.

Hence, the blog. Its just an attempt to write. As the title suggests, its just the "Babble and Bauble"-the humdrum chatter - of person just like you trying to put into words the world around you.

So until I catch you next time (on a cheerier topic I assure you :)

Take Care

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